Repairing Viruses The Repair function examines selected files for viruses and Trojan horses, repairing or deleting them when found. Virex will normally ask you for confirmation before repairing or deleting files. However, you may change the Virex application preference settings to instruct Virex to repair or delete files without asking. In either case, Virex makes a complete report of the examination and repair results. To repair entire volumes, select those you wish to examine by clicking on them in the volume list. Each time you click on a volume, it toggles between being selected and deselected. After selecting the desired volumes, click the Repair button. Virex will examine the selected volumes, repairing infected files and reporting the results in the report area. To repair a particular file or folder instead of an entire volume, hold down the option key and click the Repair button. A file selection dialog will appear, allowing you to choose the file or folder you wish to examine. You can also use “drag and drop” to diagnose files selected in Finder windows and on the Macintosh desktop. Drag the selected items onto the Virex Repair button.